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The store() method creates a signal object that can only be updated with action functions that you define at time of creation.


The store() method accepts any data value as the first argument, and an object of action functions as the second argument.

Action functions automatically receive the signal data object as their first argument.

let {store} = reef;

// Create a store with `add()` and `delete()` actions
let todos = store(['Swim', 'Climb', 'Jump', 'Play'], {

	// Add an item to the todo list
	add (todos, todo) {

	// Remove a todo item by name
	delete (todos, todo) {
		let index = todos.indexOf(todo);
		if (index < 0) return;
		todos.splice(index, 1);


You can access an immutable copy of the data with the .value property.

You can update your data by calling one of your action methods directly on the store() object. Trying to update the data directly will not work.

// Access the todos
let firstTodo = todos.value[0];

// This will update the data
todos.add('Take a nap');

// This WILL not
todos.value.push('Do it again tomorrow');

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The store() method creates a signal under-the-hood, and emits a reef:signal event on the document whenever a property is modified with an action function.

You can customize the event name by passing a third argument into the store() method. It gets added to the end of the reef:signal event with a dash delimiter (-).

let todos = store([], {
	add (todos, todo) {
}, 'todos');

// A "reef:signal-todos" event gets emitted
todos.add('Go to the store');