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The render() method renders an HTML template string into the UI.


Pass in the element (or selector string for the element) to render into, and an HTML string to render. Unlike the Element.innerHTML property, this…

  1. Sanitizes your HTML to reduce the risk of XSS attacks.
  2. Diffs the DOM, only updating the things that have changed.
let {render} = reef;

// Create a template
function template () {
	return '<p>Hello, world!</p>';

// Render it into the #app element
render('#app', template());

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Event listeners

To reduce the risk of XSS attacks, dangerous properties (including on* events) are removed from the HTML before rendering.

// The onerror event is removed before rendering
render('#app', '<p><img src="x" onerror="alert(1)"></p>');

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If you want to allow on* event listeners, pass an object of named events listener functions into render() function as the third argument.

Any on* events that are not passed into your render() function are removed to reduce the risk of XSS attacks.

// Track clicks
let count = 0;

// Log clicks
function log () {
	console.log(`Clicked ${count} times.`);

// Warn clicks
// Won't run because it's not registered
function warn () {
	console.warn(`Clicked ${count} times.`);

// Render a button with an onclick event
render('#app', `<button onclick="log()">Activate Me</button> <button onclick="warn()">This won't work</button>`, {log});

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👋 Heads up! This is only needed if you're using on* events directly on your elements. If you're using event delegation, you can skip it.