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Advanced Techniques

Event Listeners

There are two ways to listen for events on Reef elements.

Event delegation

The preferred way to listen for user interaction events in a Reef template is event delegation.

Run the addEventListener() method on the element you’re rendering your template into, and filter out events that occur on elements you don’t care about.

// The count
let count = signal(0);

// Increase the count by 1 when the [data-count] button is clicked
function increase (event) {
	if (!'[data-count]')) return;

// The template
function template () {
	return `<button data-count>Clicked ${count.value} times</button>`;

// Render the component
let app = document.querySelector('#app');
component(app, template);

// Listen for events
app.addEventListener('click', increase);

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Event binding

By default, on* events on elements are removed when rendering to reduce the risk of XSS attacks.

If you’d prefer to attach events directly to elements in your template using on* events, you must register them by passing an object of named event listener callback functions into your component as the events option.

Under-the-hood, Reef will remove any event handlers that aren’t registered.

// The count
let count = signal(0);

// Increase the count by 1
function increase () {

// The template
function template () {
	return `<button onclick="increase()">Clicked ${count.value} times</button>`;

// Render the component
component('#app', template, {events: {increase}});

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